The start of something amazing…
In July of 2021, the Canadian Farmers' Markets Coalition was asked to support the formation of the World Farmers' Market Coalition. We heartily agreed and were subsequently asked to join Campagna Amica to launch the World Farmers Market Coalition with UN Deputy General Amina Mohammed in Rome at the flagship Circo Massima farmers market, part of the Fondazione Campagna Amica network. Ghana, Georgia, Denmark, Canada, USA and, of course, Italy! (Thank you for the prose Richard McCarthy)
What an honour to represent Canada with Justin Cantafio of Farmers' Markets of Nova Scotia and Peter Leblanc of BC Farmers Markets. Justin's story telling may have launched Dulse seaweed into a world commodity and Peter's passion to share the BCAFM's experience lifted us all.
We were inspired by our new friends from across the globe and by such hospitality from our hosts.
In the words of our new, dear friend, Carmelo Trocolli , "We have no leaders, we are all leaders". With this we move forward in one direction for farmers' markets around the world.
Gazie Mille.